To celebrate this momentous event, I’d like to share these extra copies with fellow fans of THE HUNGER GAMES and CATCHING FIRE.

The rules are simple:
1) All contestants must write a brief essay finishing this sentence: “I would like to receive a free advance copy of MOCKINGJAY because....”
2) Please post your essay in the “comments” section of today’s blog.
3) Realize that spelling, punctuation, and grammar are important factors in writing this, or any, essay.
4) Imagination and creativity are also important.
5) Limit your essay to one hundred (100) words maximum.
6) Finished essays must be received by midnight tonight.
7) Only one entry per household.
8) Obscene or pornographic entries will be deleted.
9) Lastly, make sure you read the first letter of each of these nine rules before submitting anything to this spurious giveaway!
Oh ho! You play a dangerous game, Sieruta. And a tip of the hat to you on this greatest of all holidays as well.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you give me a copy of Mockingjay. I have turned my life over to The Hunger Games trilogy and it will be difficult to keep that going unless I know what happens in Mockingjay before anyone else. Since the publisher and Suzanne haven't sent me a copy (and actually hmm, haven't responded to my last few emails), I guess this is the way I'm going to get it. I don't understand why you would get ARCs instead of me. It doesn't even make sense. I'm going to ask you a favor, please don't read it until I do. In exchange, I will invite you for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity--you can be a contestant in the Hunger Games I am running this summer. You'd have your choice of playing any of the characters who gets taken out right at the cornucopia. I think that's a pretty generous offer for someone who obviously isn't as much invested in these books as I am. If you just want to send me all fifteen, that will be fine.
SUCH A SAD JOKE!!! I really wanted one of your mythical copies!!
I think you should send Katniss79 your 15 copies--that was very persuasive!
That was better than the annual NPR segment!
ha ha ha jerk i<3 hunger games
I would like to receive a free advance copy of Mockingjay because I am OBSESSED with the Hunger Games trilogy! I've read both The Hunger Games and Catching Fire numerous times; I even dream about them. I believe The Hunger Games trilogy is not only fascinating but important, and to get an ARC would be like getting one, in the past, for classics like Ender's Game. Please pick me! I am DESPERATE for a Mockingjay ARC!!!!!!!!
looking at all these comments i see that only a couple people have entered the contest. so even though I'm past the due date I'll try anyways.
I think I should get a copy of Mockingjay because this is the best series in the world! i can barely wait for the book to come out and to get the chance to read it sooner would make e the happiest person in the world! i would do anything to get this book!
if this was a joke then this is very cruel to do to people :(
This was so mean.
My little sister is a huge fan of Suzzane Collins and has been waiting to read Mockingjay for months. When I got home, my sister was so excited to have found a contest and wanted me to enter for her. I, of course, read through all the rules and was disapointed that I had to tell her the truth.
This may be a funny idea to you, but I don't agree.
By the way, you should go buy and send copies to the people who entered, just because they didn't catch the joke.
wow nice blog you have..
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