Back in the 1960s and 1970s, THE MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW was a staple of afternoon television. Every weekday at 4:30 PM, the amiable host would interview a variety of actors, singers, athletes, and other celebrities -- ranging from TV sitcom sidekicks to John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Considering that I had an afterschool paper route and was rarely around during those hours, I'm surprised by how many of those shows I remember watching. I still recall Cass Elliot telling Mike that she loved to read and "It's not unusual for me to go into a bookstore and spend one hundred dollars at a time." I remember gasping. And feeling jealous. I wondered if I'd ever be "rich enough" to spend $100 in a bookstore. What a dream for the future! Now, many decades later, there have been times I've spent $100 at a time in a bookstore. The only difference is that Cass probably left the store toting bags containing ten or twelve hardcovers and maybe thirty or forty paperbacks, while I leave the bookstore with a single bag containing four hardcovers and two paperbacks. A hundred dollars ain't what it used to be....
I was also jealous of all the "famous kids" who appeared on Mike Douglas's program. Teen actress Linda Blair. Tiger Woods, barely out of diapers and already playing golf. A kid who advertised canned deviled ham even got to co-host for the entire week. But I was most envious of a twelve-year-old girl who appeared on the show in 1975. Her name was Alexandra Elizabeth Sheedy and she'd written a novel about a mouse who lived in England's royal court, SHE WAS NICE TO MICE : THE OTHER SIDE OF ELIZABETH I'S CHARACTER NEVER BEFORE REVEALED BY PREVIOUS HISTORIANS. The little girl talked about how she'd come to write a book, and then read a few paragraphs aloud to Mike Douglas. I wished I was sitting there reading a book I'd written to Mike Douglas. Of course I hadn't actually written a book, but that was beside the point.

The next time I was at the bookstore, I skimmed through a copy of SHE WAS NICE TO MICE. (I didn't have $100 to buy books from a bookstore. Heck, I didn't even have $5.95 to buy this book!) It wasn't my kind of story, but I still wished it was my smiling juvenile face that appeared on the dustjacket instead of Alexandra's.
A couple years later the book was even released a Yearling paperback, with the author's age emblazoned on the front cover:

Alexandra Elizabeth Sheedy never became a major writer or literary star, but she did become a movie star. Ten years she was all over the big screen -- as Ally Sheedy -- starring in such "brat pack" favorites as THE BREAKFAST CLUB and ST. ELMO'S FIRE. Who can imagine that one person could be both a young movie star and an even younger author! (It probably didn't hurt that her mother was a well-known literary agent either.)
How did I miss this?
Way back in February, Candlewick published a book called PICK-UP GAME : A FULL DAY OF FULL COURT. Edited by Marc Aronson and and Charles R. Smith, Jr.
By now everyone knows about the "printers key" that appears on the copyright page of most books. Here's how I described it in one of my earliest blog entries:
Nowadays it's fairly easy to identify most first edition books, as the majority of publishers utilize a "printers key" on the copyright page.
The printers key is a sequence of numbers that indicate the current printing of that particular volume. Some publishers use ascending numbers (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10), some use a run of descending numbers (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) and others use a line of alternating numbers (2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1.) In all these cases, the presence of the number "1" indicates a book is a first printing. When the book moves into a second printing, the "1" is lopped off and "2" will be the lowest number in the line.
Here are some examples:
This ascending sequence of numbers
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
indicates the book is a third printing, as that's the lowest number present.
This descending sequence
10 9 8 7 6 5 4
tells us the book is in its fourth printing.
And in this alternating sequence:
6 8 10 9 7 5
the absence of the numbers 1 through 4 shows us this is a fifth printing.
These numbering systems are fairly standard, but by no means universal. In the past, each publisher often had its own distinctive method of indicating printings, so it's important to check with a reference volume on book collecting to learn how each publisher designates its printings.
Collectors are often worried that their first edition book may not be accompanied by a "first state" dustjacket. This is a valid concern since it's obvious that someone could easily remove a dj from a later printing and place it on a first edition to "dress it up" and raise its value. (A first edition with dustjacket is always going to be worth more than one without a dj.) There are several ways to make sure that you have a true first editon dustjacket on your book.
First, look up the cost of the book when it was originally published. If the original price was $15.95 and your copy says $16.95 or any other price, you've got a later printing.
Secondly, check to make sure that no books published AFTER this one are listed among the author's credits. For example, if you're looking at first edition of Lois Lowry's NUMBER THE STARS, which was published in 1989, the dj should make no reference to THE GIVER (published 1993), SILENT BOY (2003) or THE BIRTHDAY BALL (2010.)
It is important to check for reviewer quotes on the dustjacket as well. Be wary if you see a rave from one of the literary journals printed on the front flap or back cover, as it's likely that the review was published AFTER the book...and added to the dj at a later time. HOWEVER, this is not always the case. There are occasions when a review publication (typically Kirkus) publishes their review early enough that it actually does appear on the original dustjacket. Again, this is a case where your best bet is to track down a true first edition and compare it to the questionable copy.
Some people assume that if an award sticker is on a dustjacket, then it cannot be a true first-state dj. I don't hold with that idea. In many cases, there are copies of the true first edition with the true first state dustjacket in warehouses when the awards are announced. At that point, the stickers are affixed to the these djs are not second state or reprinted, but simply first state djs with stickes affixed.
I bring up this long, wordy issue because of something I encountered this past Friday. In the bookstore I saw a novel called FLUTTER by debut novelist Erin E. Moulton.

The copyright page had one of a printers key with alternating numbers indicating this was indeed a true first edition:

But what surprised me was that the front flap of the dustjacket also had a printers key, albeit one using a different number run, indicating it was a first printing:

I've never seen something like this on the dustjacket of a book before, have you? Is it just an oddity, or is it the start of a new trend?
If it is a trend, it will at least be one way for readers to know they have both a true first edition and a true first-state dustjacket.
The year is only half-over, but I think I've already identified the creepiest, most unwholesome, bizarre, and perverse young adult novel of 2011:

A couple weeks ago I wrote about how much I enjoyed Dana Reinhardt's new novel, THE SUMMER I LEARNED TO FLY.

This week my bookstore friend received a signed copy as a promotional piece. Knowing I was a fan, she asked if I'd be interested. I said, "Of course!" Then when I tried to pay for it, she gave it to me free. How cool is that?

Thanks for visiting Collecting Children's Books. Hope you'll be back.
OH. MY. GOD. That info about 12-year-old Alexandra Elizabeth Sheedy being *the* Ally Sheedy is a true revelation!!! My older brother had that book, and I, too, was always very jealous of her... though I consoled myself with the fact that I didn't actually like the book. (Which I swear had nothing to do with jealousy... probably. :-) ) I never made the connection between author and actor!
And how about the illustrator, Jessica Levy? Wonder what happened to her?
I remember She Was Nice To Mice as I had a big Tudor obsession as a child. I don't remember much about the book itself. I'd read so much adult historical stuff (Jean Plaidy!) at that point it probably seemed juvenile to me. It did make me feel that I wasn't alone, though.
Didn't Sarah Jessica Parker also have something to do with the book also? Or is that just my brain mixing up two similar movie stars?
I was jealous of Alexandra Sheedy as well and tuned in to her appearance on Mike Douglas. I was so shocked when she reemerged as "Ally" Sheedy, actress. Never have read that book.
I never knew about the printers key before. The best part about it is that I "rescued" a copy of Keats "The Snowy Day" which I have learned was a first printing. Made my day...twice.
Woke up from insane Osso Busco related dream, logged on for brunch and Then noticed it was a recent brunch item! I must have had it rattling around in my head for last week.
May use it in sequel to Fake Mustache.
Also, quite shocked about Ally Sheedy.
The deviled ham girl story would make a great MG, btw!
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