I can’t stop thinking about this article and video clip from the Huffington Post.
It concerns twenty-six-year-old Amanda Hocking who, a year ago at this time, was an aspiring writer of young adult novels. Rejected by all the major publishers, she decided to release her novels as e-books. Available from Amazon and Barnes and Noble for prices ranging from ninety-nine cents to $2.99 each, Ms. Hocking’s books have become very successful.
How successful?
In less than a year, the young author has become a millionaire.
Yeah, you read that right.
Granted, Ms. Hocking writes in a genre that is currently huge with young readers -- romantic horror. (Many, many readers compare her work to the TWILIGHT series by Stephenie Meyer.) But how does someone go from an unpublished wannabe to a bestselling author in less than a year?
It would be interesting to know how these books were promoted and publicized.
I’d also like to know if her success is a fluke, or if any other young-adult authors are experiencing this type of success. Heck, even if an author sold one-tenth the number of e-books Ms. Hocking does, they’d be considered a literary smash.
What does all this portend for the future? Will other aspiring authors, tired of dealing with the whims of the publishing industry, begin releasing their own manuscripts as e-books, thereby “eliminating the middle-man”? And how would that affect the quality of young adult literature? The main criticism of the Hocking books is that they’re poorly edited, contain many copy-editing errors, rely on repeated pet stock phrases -- all elements that would probably be corrected if they’d been professionally edited and published by a mainstream press.
I haven’t read any of Amanda Hocking’s books, as I do not own a Kindle or Nook.
I’m the guy who rails against e-books as opposed to paper copies.
But when I read about Amanda’s success (a millionaire! at twenty-six!, I’m beginning to think she’s a pretty smart cookie. Isn’t it better to have thousands of people reading and loving your words in an e-book than to have a whole file cabinet full of manuscripts that no one will ever read?
So many successfully self-published novels eventually get picked up by mainstream publishers.
Christopher Paolini’s ERAON comes immediately to mind.
Now I’m wondering how many mainstream NY publishers (including those who once rejected her work) will soon be knocking on Hocking’s door, offering her huge offers to release her novels in hardcover.
I think it’s inevitable and am counting the days till we see a press release in Publishers Weekly or elsewhere, stating, “E-BOOK PHENOM OFFERED MILLION $$$ DEAL FOR YA HORROR SERIES.”
Gee, what’s a reality-show-freak like me supposed to do tonight with every station running some competing show? There’s AMAZING RACE on CBS, some new restaurant show and CELEBRITY APPRENTICE on NBC, CHOPPED ALL-STARS on the Food Network… Oh, for the good old days of last week when the only show

Is Shaun Tan the first children’s book creator to win an Oscar in the category of Best Animated Short Film? You would think that many children’s book illustrators would work in animated film, but I checked this Wikipedia list and didn’t see any familiar names among the winners. …But then again, I am not as familiar with illustrators as I am writers. Did I miss anyone?
Incidentally, I was tickled to see that THE CRUNCH BIRD won an Oscar in 1971. I never saw the animated film -- never knew one existed -- but in 1971, the “crunch bird”was the most repeated joke at my junior high. Now I know where it came from!
Anyway, congratulations to Shaun Tan for winning that Oscar. Can’t wait to read the book!
Should bookstores have a Bill of Rights posted on their walls? After reading this blog about customers who use bookstores “as showrooms” for the titles they’ll later purchase online, I think it might be a good idea.
What items would you include on a Booksellers’ Bill of Rights?
NOTE: PJ Grath pointed out that the above link does not work. I can't get it to work either. Until I figure out the solution, you can access the article via this url:
One of the most talked-about titles of this new publishing season is SMALL PERSONS WITH WINGS by Ellen Booream. It’s the story of Mellie Turpin who, as a young child, had a fairy friend named Fidius. (Correction: according to Fidius, “We are not fairies. We are Small Persons with Wings.”)

The Parvi’s first, true magic, the Magica Vera, gave us skills we needed to live, bu also it protected us from spells. We saw through all lies and illusion. This was our salvation when sorcerers were everywhere, so many centuries ago. In your year 453, the last of them helped us invent the Magica Artificia, but our native magic prevented us from seeing the beauties it created. We cast the Magica Vera out of ourselves, transferring it into the Gemmaluna so we would have it at need. But we rarely used the Gemma, and three hundred years later we were giving it to you, the Turpini
Now if you’re a fantasy fan, you’re going love all that convoluted magica stuff…but it nearly put me to sleep. On the other hand, I really enjoyed the more “human” side of this story -- the characterizations of plump, prickly Mellie and her offbeat parents, as well as the boy next door. The sarcastic first-person narration and the humorous, pitch-perfect dialogue are pretty great too. But add in the magic stuff, and the book becomes an uneven mix of reality and magic. Some readers may find it the perfect blend, but I suspect that true fantasy addicts will find the novel too grounded, while fans of realistic fiction will complain that the whole thing’s a little too twee.
Here is the Table of Contents from SMALL PERSONS WITH WINGS.
Notice anything unusual?

While the title of each chapter is listed, there are no corresponding page numbers.
At first it struck me as odd but, the more I thought about, the more I realized it probably isn’t truly necessary to have a page number listed after each chapter. It may be just as easy for the reader to “flip through” the book to find the chapter, rather than go through page-by-page looking for the number.
I like tables of contents because I enjoy seeing the specific titles of chapters…but I seldom utilize them to find anything within a book. Do you?
Last Sunday I blogged about Eleanor Cameron’s “Julia Redfern” books, a series of autobiographical novels that were written out of sequence. Since I only had one of these books -- A ROOM MADE OF WINDOWS -- in my collection, I decided I’d try to add the other volumes as inexpensive copies became available.
I then did an internet search and found a copy of JULIA AND THE HAND OF GOD, the second book in the series which wasn’t inexpensive because it was autographed and included a personal letter from the author tipped in.
I didn’t really have the money (story of my life) but I decided to buy the book anyway (the other story of my life), spending money I didn’t have on a book I couldn’t afford (the real story of my life) because I couldn’t resist reading the letter that came with the book.
The letter, written on December 3, 1959, was written by Eleanor Cameron to fellow children’s book writer Doris Gates.

The book arrived yesterday and it was absolutely fascinating to read the included letter. It made me wish I could read the entire correspondence between these two important writers.
Ms. Cameron describes Ms. Gates’ previous letter as “so full of meat and vitality…so full of your particular personality” that her husband “was moved to say when he put it down, ‘What a gal!’”
The letter, which discusses both authors’ current projects, contains the usual writer’s lament: “Why will I never learn that this is always possible, that each book is a completely new experience, will not go with ease simply because others have preceded it, and that I will always seem to myself to never have written before. Something has been learned from each book – yes, but there is so much still to be learned, limitless expanses, that I am always an amateur.”
There is much talk about Virginia Woolf’s novels, the role of women writers, a complaint about “novels that were fairly good in content – but written so flatly, so without evocation, vividness, dimension. <…> And this is what is lacking in so many children’s books.” Mrs. Cameron goes on to praise Lucy Boston’s “Greene Knowe” series and Mary Norton’s “Borrowers” books as exceptions to this rule. Ms. Cameron adds that she’d recently read THE TREASURE OF GREEN KNOWE to her mother (who lived with Cameron’s family) “and she was enchanted.” It was the third time Eleanor herself had read the novel and “for the third time I make respectful, wistful obeisance.”
Ms. Cameron ends the letter by saying that if Doris Gates would come to visit “Mother says…she would be able to do nothing but sit in the background and listen. Well, she might find it difficult, what with all the things we would be bursting to toss back and forth, to squeeze in a word….” She adds that her fourteen-year-old son “says that at parties given by our group, everything goes so fast that by the time he finally does get his word in, that subject of conversatioin has been left so far behind that nobody knows what he’s talking about!”
Wouldn’t it be fun to have been at one of Eleanor Cameron’s parties? Or to listen to a conversation between her and Doris Gates?
I’m so glad I got to witness part of their “written conversation” by reading this one letter.
In her letter, Eleanor Cameron references the novel THE CAT AND MRS. CARY, which was one of the few fantasies that Doris Gates published during a long literary career that included animal stories, retellings of Greek myths, and realistic novels. As an author, she broke new ground writing early books with African American characters (LITTLE VIC, 1951) and dealing with social issues such as criminal justice (MY BROTHER MIKE, 1948) and the plight of migrant workers. Employed as a librarian in Fresno, California, Doris Gates had the opportunity to visit migrant schools and meet children who had been uprooted by the Depression and Midwestern Dust Bowl. When the economy caused a cutback in library hours, Ms. Gates used her extra day off to write books for children…including BLUE WILLOW,

Although she did not win the Newbery, the Fresno Public Library honored the author by naming its children’s department the “Doris Gates Room.” This month the Fresno Public Library is celebrating Cesar Chavez Day with a display called “The Migrant Experience : Books for Children and Teens.”
Strangely, BLUE WILLOW by Doris Gates -- one of the first and most-important novels about migrant workers ever published for kids -- is not among the books included.
Thanks for visiting Collecting Children’s Books. Hope you’ll be back for more!
Peter, that's a wonderful find! I hope you'll consider sending photocopies of the letter to the Kerlan Collection at the University of Minnesota, which holds Eleanor Cameron's manuscripts, and to the University of Oregon, which holds the Doris Gates papers.
Helen Schinske
Peter, will you recheck your link under BOOKSTORE BILL OF RIGHTS? It didn't get me anywhere. Thanks.
I have to agree about Call It Courage. I'd go for Blue Willow over that book any day, any year, no matter what my age.
As someone shopping a novel with my agent at the moment this topic is very interesting to me- self publishing has its pros and cons I guess.
Keep up the good work. Best of luck. From
> I haven’t read any of Amanda Hocking’s books, as I do not own a Kindle or Nook.
That's no excuse.
Both Amazon and BN offer FREE reader programs for the PC, so you don't need a Kindle or Nook to read their e-books
The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From
Sorry Peter, your Huffington Post link doesn't work either. I didn't think much of the article because it didn't say anything of how Ms. Hocking got such astounding sales. Much more informative was an earlier Huff piece with an interview:
In it, Ms. Hocking says she didn't have a marketing plan, but is very active in social networks and sends out ARCs to book bloggers (electronic arcs, I guess?) Wonder if she can send them via Kindle, or does she send out pdfs? She says she is looking for a professional editor.
I'll stick up for "Call It Courage." I loved it as a kid; maybe because I could relate a lot more to the setting than I could to Central Valley California. Sharks! Wild pigs! Cute faithful dogs! I find that Mafatu is about as emotional as Karana (of Island of the Blue Dolphins). Oh, those stoic exotic islanders.
William Joyce hasn't won an Oscar, but is very involved in filmmaking according to Wikipedia, and is working with some top names.
The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From
The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From
Blue Willow is one of my all-time favorite Newberys so I'm delighted to see you mention it. IMO it's a quiet little classic. You also made the same connection I did, which I've seldom seen mentioned. I've always called Blue Willow the children's Grapes of Wrath.
I love the works of both Cameron and Gates - two fine writers indeed. Cameron's The Green and Burning Tree is wonderful if you've not read it.
The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From
working link for Bookstore Bill of Rights
The visit was useful. Content was really very informative. From
Very Good website. I like the contents. From
Website is very comprehensive and informative. I have enjoyed the visit. From
That book is gorgeous. I love the detail and craftsmanship. I am a fan of book illustrations, so I pray they make more of a comeback!
Have a wonderful day :)
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