Short-order cook Peter and his staff of smilin' servers -- Deenie, Dinky, Ramona, and Trixie B. -- aim to please with a wide-ranging menu sure to satisy even the most discriminating palate.
Green Eggs and Ham
Pancakes Paris!
Everything on a Waffle

Winnie the Pu-Pu Platter -- East meets west in this selection of old English cheeses and Chinese hors d'oeuvres
Lucky Trimble's Cheese Balls
Stone Soup -- a vegetarian classic, and you'll never guess the secret ingredient!
Robert McCloskey's Lentil Soup
Old King Cole Slaw
Wintergirls' Three-Bean Salad -- a filling combination of one pinto bean, one green bean, and one black bean. Doggie bags available if that's too much for you

Harriet M. Welsch's Tomato Sandwich -- served with a chocolate egg cream
Farmer Arabel's Pulled-Pork Sandwich -- one bite of this BBQ delight and you too will be saying, "SOME PIG!"

Henry Huggins' Afterschool Snackers -- peanut butter, jam, and pickle relish on a graham cracker. Please specify choice of jam: strawberry, grape, or Salamanca's gooseberry jam
Spaghetti with a Chance of Meatballs -- authentic Italian pasta, may or may not be accompanied by meatballs depending on the mood of the chef
Johnny Mutton Chops -- don't be sheepish, give this one a try!
Farmer Hoggett's Hog's Head -- if you can't make up your mind what to order, this'll do
Jack G's "Hole in My Life" Pot Roast -- betcha six to ten, you'll like this dish
Oven-roasted Squab -- if you prefer this dish without gravy, please inform your server, "Don't Let the Pigeon Arrive Au Jus!"
Prime Ribsy

Sam Gribley's Fresh Catch -- flown in daily. Frightful-ly good!
Eloise's Sausage Roll -- the worst brat in children's books inspired this bratwurst dish
Make Way for Ducklings a l'Orange
Journey Cake, Ho!
M.C. Higgins' Banina Cream Pie -- just like mother used to make
Poppy Seed Cakes
Ginger Pie -- have some now, as it may disappear from the menu without warning
Turkish Delight -- one bite of this and you'll swear you're back in Narnia
Stinky Cheesecake -- Can be served with strawberries or cherries, though we'll be honest: they don't really mask the smell

15% gratuity added to tables of six or more.
Ask us about our catering services!
I'd forgotten about Henry Huggins' odd snack choices.
Thanks for the tour of the menu..I'm hungry now.
wow. incredible. But when is it time for cake and milk, cake and milk, with Harriet? Or is it just tomato sandwiches and the egg cream?
this is hilarious and brilliant. The grimmer ones - the Ribsy - in particular made me snicker
loved Ducklings a l'Orange
but no fried worms?
no pemmican and grog?
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