Sunday, December 28, 2008

Brunching and Blogging on a Blustery Day

Here in the Detroit area, the holiday-season weather has been bizarre.

A week ago Friday we had so much snow that work was canceled. Last Sunday the temperatures hovered around zero. However, yesterday was so warm that my visting brother and I went out in the car with the windows rolled down. Overnight, the winds began to moan.

This morning I woke up to discover no cell phone service and only an intermittent connection to the internet. According to the radio, over 300,000 people are without power in the metro region, with many telephone towers on the fritz as well.

Rather than take the risk of blogging on unstable lines, I'm postponing today's Sunday Brunch. Hope you'll come back in a day or so for my next blog entry. Thanks for your patience and I hope everyone is having a happy holiday season.

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